PFIA 2024

François Pattou

Curriculum Vitæ

François Pattou (57 years) is professor of Surgery at the University of Lille since 2002, and head of the Department of General and Endocrine Surgery at Lille University Hospital since 2005. FP also leads a research unit devoted the clinical development of biotherapies for treating diabetes (Inserm U1190), and is a funding member of the European Genomic Institute for Diabetes (EGID) in Lille, France.

FP’s research is devoted to the surgical treatment of endocrine and metabolic diseases and focused on cell therapy for type 1 diabetes and metabolic surgery for type 2 diabetes. He has authored more than 400 peer-reviewed articles which received > 37,000 citations (h-Index of 95 by Google scholar). FP has conducted multiple clinical trials in islet cell transplantation and metabolic surgery as principal investigator. He also coordinates RHU-Precinash a private-public consortium for the study of non alcoholic steato-hepatitis. The recipient of numerous research grants from national and international institutions (Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir, European Commission, Innovative Medicine Initiative, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Juvenile Diabete Research Fundation, Fondation Francophone pour le Recherche sur le Diabète, Fondation de l’Avenir, Fondation de la Recherche Médicale), François Pattou has been awarded by several scientific prizes. (National Academy of Medicine, Rachmine Levine scientific achievement award, Matmut award, Fondation de la recherche Médicale, Fondation Line Renaud-Loulou Gaste).

Présentations lors de PFIA
 lun, 09:30

Conférence invitée : Chirurgie métabolique de précision

! En direct
APIA CNIA IC JIAF RJCIA Agents et IA Santé et IA Société et IA Tutoriels Organisation
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